Monday, September 19, 2016

Studio Update 9/16

    I've been working on some pieces by starting collages. It's really fun and gets my head clear. It's easy to get lost in collaging and create something interesting. I took this one and painted it at the end. My work consists of fragmented images so that's what the end result would look like.

    First I lay down some color and some values I think would work best. This image above is my under painting.

    Once I lay some tape down to cover the under painting in section I would like to preserve, I shift the image or change the tint of the area I'm painting to imitate a collage or fractured image. 

    The end result is this image above. Most people are surprised to know this is all paint and has no collage included. From a distance it would look collage-y but up close there are some nice design elements.


Friday, September 16, 2016

Senior Year

    We have moved into our studios and have been working hard. Sorry for not keeping our blog up to date in the past couple semesters. We like keeping our family and friends informed, but sometimes our school life consumes us. We are going to try to keep our senior year documented, at least that's the most important thing to document.

    I stopped posting before because all my images were deleted, I felt like It wasn't worth it anymore. Any post I had put up no longer had photos and anything from Italy was gone online. I still have photos from the trip, but the blog posts were no longer available.

I attached some photos from our studios if you were curious! More soon!


[Allison's studio]

[Cody's studio]