The past few weeks have been busy, we've had two pretty full classes of pre-college students. Last week was drawing, this week is painting. While working with the students and the instructors I've had the opportunity to work and learn some myself.
[figure drawing]
For one afternoon I sat in with a figure drawing course and sketched for a while. I also have a portrait I did of one of our recent graduates. I'll scan it eventually.
[monochromatic still life]
I did this while the girls in the painting class[THE WHOLE CLASS IS GIRLS] were working over the past day or so. I painted the entire thing with my palette knives, I'm glad I had a chance to develop the way I was painting at the end of last semester. I feel like I'm learning almost as much as all of the students in the classes, just different things.
[charcoal under-drawing]
In the afternoon today everyone did a pretty quick charcoal drawing that we're then going to have shellacked and develop further with layers of glazing and painting on top. I've never worked with a technique like this and it sounds fun. I enjoy working in more traditional ways to learn to see and paint/draw. It's easing me back into how I'll be working for most of the semester, but I've lost some time/steam on my digital work again.
I'd like to be able to focus more, but I don't have a studio of my own or anything any my room isn't really the best environment to focus in. There's one more week of pre-college courses that I'm working with, then one off and classes start again. Summers seem shorter when you have to work through them.
"Time is an illusion." -Albert Einstein
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