Monday, May 25, 2015

Summer Work

    I finally have some time to work on some art and share what I'm up to. I've been drawing/sketching most days, but until this weekend I hadn't buckled down. So I've got a plan to keep myself working every day.

    I'm still working with a friend of a friend on a game project, it's shifted away from the armadillo character, but that's alright. We're gaining steam and more team members so I'm looking forward to working on it more. I had misunderstood what the art direction for a character and I ended up with something sci-fi and we're actually going with high fantasy...

[unapproved centaur knights]

    Last week I did a spitpaint[30 minute speedpaint] based on the prompt "fish car", I've been watching Design Cinema videos by a great concept artist and teacher Feng Zhu lately. So I essentially did a quick exercise he suggests of re-skinning something with the attributes of another. Hence the fish shuttle.

[fish "car" spitpaint]

    I actually sat down to do some re-skinning sketches and there are what I came up with. I'm trying to pay more attention to perspective, but I know I can do even better. I do like what I ended up with though. It's all good practice. I'll push myself more in the coming weeks. 

[fish inspired spacecraft]

    I still plan to photograph all of my work from the 2 semesters at Lyme, but I'm not too good with my camera, so I'm waiting until Allison gets back from her trip.

    While she's gone though I start my new job at Lyme Academy, I'll be monitoring the digital studio and helping out faculty with summer courses for high school students all summer. I'm pretty excited, it's a little closer to my end job than the meat department is.
